Sunday, February 11, 2007

Fabulous puppies

The kids are doing great. We are 1,000 times better on the house training. The only problem we have now is someones penchant for peeing on the rug upstairs. But for the most part they are locked off from the upstairs so it's no big deal. We are just thankful that they have stopped having accidents on the furniture. And are now letting us know when they need to go outside. It's a wonderful thing.

Caleb continues to make slow and steady progress. He comes more and more to me for pets. And he's willing to be closer to me in general. We still can't approach him. Not even remotely. But considering how far he has come we know he'll get there. He's such a joy. He's very intelligent. He knows how to get wiped off after being outside. He lifts each paw up for us to wipe off. Only two of our dogs even understand that concept. Both happen to be our boys. The girls won't sit still long enough for it. But Caleb deals well with it now. No more cowering in the corner over it. Yay for Caleb!

Lily is great. She's very sociable and cuddly. She's hyper. She has a lot of nervous energy. But she's very very happy. And when we look at her she sets that tail of hers a thumping.
She's a ton of fun. Despite the fact that she's a little 10 pound terror.

All is well and progressing nicely. It probably seems like not much is happening but every day gets a little better. A little easier.

The best sign of progress lately has been that we can leave them unattended for more than 30 seconds and they do okay. They happily amuse themselves. This is a huge relief. We no longer have to kennel them just to go into the kitchen to get another cup of coffee, or to use the restroom or to answer the phone. We can trust them now on a level that makes life far easier for us. Yay for my puppies!

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