Wednesday, December 20, 2006

One word: Perfect

That's how Lily was the entire trip. She never had an accident in any ones house. She stuck by me when we were outside in the yard. She was an angel on the plane - both ways. And she was absolutely calm and carefree through both security checks.

She warmed up to my parents and even allowed them both to hold her. She took treats from dad. Carried his shoes around the house. And got up on his knees begging for egg.

At my Aunt and Uncles house she was a little timid but by the third day she was playing, taking food from them, and in general being a very good girl.

I couldn't believe how well she did on this trip. I was so proud of her. And when she came home she was happy as ever. She's been social and goofy.

How did Caleb do with Lily gone? Dad says he was quieter (in a good way). He didn't bark any where near as much. He only had one accident in the house. And he seemed to not be in any more distress with her gone. He went for a walk with the other dogs and though he had to be carried to the end of the block he eventually was willing to walk around the park a few times.

Unfortunately we didn't make any progress in his socialization like we had hoped. And he is still avoiding us. But he's exploring the house more every day. He comes upstairs now on a regular basis where before he would never venture up to the bedrooms. He takes his morning treat from dad very happily. And he plays ball with me when we wake up.

He will come around. We know he will. It will just take time.

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